3 Keys to Maximizing Hormone Health as You Age

To really sink our teeth in on this one, we must first understand what’s happening hormonally as you age. Hormonal changes are understood to be normal parts of the aging process. This includes estrogen, progesterone and testosterone; as well as insulin, cortisol and melatonin.


In your 20’s, testosterone levels have reached their peak by 18 to 20 years of age. Estrogen levels reach their peak in mid to late 20’s for most women.


Generally, we start to see circulating testosterone levels decrease around 35-40 years of age, bringing about some symptoms like changes in muscle and fat, or decreased libido. Likewise, estrogen and progesterone continue to gradually decline in women throughout their 30’s impacting mood, libido, and fertility.


In women, there is a drop in progesterone and shorter cycles first, then more irregular cycles until they finally stop all together with menopause. In men, testosterone continues to decrease roughly 1% each year.


Around the age of 50, the ovaries produce very little estrogen and progesterone. The pituitary gland tries to compensate by producing more follicle stimulating hormone. At this age, some men may experience andropause, a significant drop off in testosterone production.

To maintain a healthy hormone balance, both men and women need to:

  1. Exercise regularly
  2. Eat a balanced diet and reduce sugar/alcohol intake
  3. Place emphasis on self-care, reducing stress

Decreased testosterone symptoms:

All our treatments are designed to reduce inflammation and address both internal and external signs of aging, promoting overall cellular health.
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